Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Prejudice Paper Essay Example for Free

Prejudice Paper Essay Through our own personal experience, Professor McAuliff would like us to use the topics we discussed throughout the semester to show an understanding of the concepts. Using my experience with prejudice I will be providing how what I learned in the social psychology textbook. Prejudice has been a very relevant topic I have related with throughout my life. In addition to reading and thinking about the concepts covered in the text, an important part of the learning process includes applying these concepts to your own life and experiences. Prejudice is a preconceived negative judgment of a group and its individual members (Myers). Prejudice is an attitude essentially that can be either positive or negative judgments. More than likely the prejudice someone is faced with is negative. Being that it is an attitude you also have to know about the ABC’s of attitudes. A is for the affect or feelings. B is for the behavior tendency or inclination to act. And C is for the cognitions or beliefs. They also help tie into stereotypes and discrimination. Stereotypes is a negative evaluation in which you generalize the personal attributes of a group. Discrimination is an unjustified behavior toward ones group. Whether it is conscious or automatic prejudice is your quick response to associations. â€Å"Although our [conscious] minds are in the right places and we may truly believe we are not prejudiced, our hearts aren’t quite there yet† (John Dovido, Time, 2009). With so many races in the world, it is often easy to see how quickly we are to label one another. Racial prejudice is Sco? 1 prime example of people labeled what a person should be. It goes far beyond enough for racial prejudice within the same groups some identify themselves with. People tend to point out what is wrong in their group before they admit their wrongs. In some groups you have anti- whatever the group is because a hatred developed from society. Prejudice is spread out throughout the world. Not strictly a racial epidemic it can be anything from youth disliking the elderly to genders disliking genders. It affects everyone the same especially from the negative side. When it is automatic your unconscious associations can be influenced by perceptions and reactions you have. Especially for gender prejudice, the gender role norms come into play. People have ideas on how men and women ought to behave. Often prejudice and stereotype do get confused in this area. Stereotypes only support prejudice beliefs and attitudes are separate. With more separation prejudice has social inequalities. They allow for one group to seek dominance over the other. Making groups break off into a particular status. Creating this social hierarchy that can create hostility amongst groups. Status is looked the most in regards to the negative feeling that appear in prejudice socially. Rich versus the poor is the most common social dominance orientation. The fact of the matter is people want to be on top of the hierarchy. Prejudice coming in so many forms is easy to grasp the idea of it being everywhere. Nothing beats facing prejudice for the first time. As an African American male I have been faced with plenty of different forms of prejudice. I can recall being discriminated against just for being not only black but intelligent within my own group of black people. My very own cousin would tease me and call me a â€Å"white boy†, which I am clearly not, because I was interested in school. I was the first of many of my cousins to graduate high school and instead of being proud me they would tell me I was uppity or not black enough for them. It is very hard when your very own Sco? 2 family doesn’t expect you. I wanted some much to conform to what they did but I wasn’t thety pe of person who wanted to live a life. My cousins definitely are your stereotypical black people. I have found myself in a different social class than them just because I have worked harder than they have to be something more than someone running the streets. I can agree with racial prejudice the author discusses in the textbook because it has yet to die out. However racial prejudice in the black community in my opinion is at an all-time high and very prevalent. Though we have changed since the 1940’s the anti-black prejudices haven’t. Social dominance is felt whether if it is whites being above blacks or other blacks be above other blacks. Prime example is how black rappers spend their money on material items instead of investing or saving just to compete with who have more money or more material items than they do. â€Å"What you want, a Bentley? Fur coat? A diamond chain? All you blacks want all the same things, a line from Kanye West’s song New Slaves. He plays off of the typical stereotypes imposed on the black community, usually considered as hood dreams. Condescendingly, he uses the term â€Å"blacks† as a euphemism and expands on this idea when he says â€Å"I know that we the new slaves† (rapgenius. com, Kanye West, 2013). Prejudice exists in our unconscious and conscious forms. It is a preconceived negative attitude that can affect some of our beliefs. It can arise in a social sources and lead people to split in groups. â€Å"Unequal status breeds prejudice† (Myers). Whether it is implicit or explicit all prejudice can mirrored from group to group. It may be a subtle action, but the small action that creates the worst problems. References Dovidio, John (2009). Prejudice Researcher. TIME. Sco? 3 Myers, D. G. (2013). Social Psychology (11th Ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill. RapGenius. com (2013). Kanye West- New Slave Lyrics Sco? 4.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What Has Changed about Epilepsy Essay -- Disorders Neurology Papers

"Epilepsy is a brain disorder involving recurrent seizures. You can relax. It's not the end of the world." This was my neurologist's introduction to my diagnosis as an epileptic with partial petit mal seizures including a curious, not to mention exciting, history of 2 grand mal seizures. As a 10-year-old girl, I remember feeling confused and greatly changed by these words that I had yet to understand the meaning of. As I grew to learn more about my condition, I realized that there are people around the globe, ranging in age, race, social and economic background that have experienced this same confusion. Collectively, we have gathered an incomplete, but valuable and working concept of epilepsy. Although it is one of the earliest recorded diseases, it attracts the attention of doctors, scientists, and researches everywhere, still in search of a clear understanding of the causes of particular seizures. Different nations contribute to our ever-expanding understanding of its history, epidemiology, prognosis and mortality, along with clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis. Tracing modern diagnosis and therapies back to biblical times allows us to compare another very important aspect of epilepsy: very similar modern and ancient perspectives on this disorder. Our language gives clues as to the longevity of epilepsy: the term epilepsy derives from the Greek word "epilambien" which means "to take hold of" or "to seize." (1). Epilepsy is a disease with one of the longest recorded histories and an impact spanning the globe, allowing healers and physicians from a wide range of countries and time periods to study epilepsy. Worldwide studies have estimated the mean prevalence of active epilepsy, (i.e. continuing seizur... ...ocusing on common folk lore concerning epilepsy and several descriptive stories illustrating epilepsies role in the past, and all over the country.<br> 7) Ketogentic Diet , a description and exploration of one very common and world wild treatment for epilepsy, being used less often today with the introduction of drugs.<br> 8) Surgical Treatments for Epilepsy , a personal questionnaire helping one who is epileptic to decide if surgery is right for them; packed with valuable and interesting information.<br> 9) Seizure-Related Injuries in Epileptics , an editorial by Somsak Tiamkao looking at injuries related to epilepsy.<br>

Monday, January 13, 2020

Origin of Science and the Crusade

But when we look at the history of the world Egyptian, Greeks, Roman, Persian, Mongolia, Saracen, British, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, Indian and any others had been the super power in different periods of the history. Yet when we talk anybody about a scientific Inventions and discoveries or major leap In the scientific development most tent to point their fingers towards the Europe if It Is before 18th century and towards the USA if it is after 1 9th century. This sort of behavior is deep down in our minds. But is this correct?If so, why the non-European nations were super power? For this I think we have to take a Journey in the history of Science from the early Egyptians. In this short article I would like to take an excursion bout the origins of science, where there the history had been littered with many manipulation and misconception. According to many in the world the science was begun by Greeks and was developed by the post renaissance Europe. As the same time all the great cu ltures like Persian, Egyptian, Chinese and Indian had no clue regarding the science.But when we look at the history of these civilizations we can understand how developed they were in the history. Egyptians were one of the early races before Greeks who were developed in the Science. They were well versed In anatomy (for art), astronomy and astrology, which ere inseparably linked in ancient Egypt, biology and veterinary medicine, chemistry, geography, geology, history, law, geometry, medicine, mineralogy, pedagogy(education), philosophy, physics, sociology and theology [1]. Irrigation scheme of Nile, tall standing pyramids and the mummies are some example of scientific feat of the Egyptians.Geometry was applied in the Egypt for tax purposes before the so called Euclid of Greece wrote the book of The Elements. Here comes another manipulation of History again in the form of Euclid. Many text books refer Euclid was a white male eventually from Greece and ivied in Alexandria around three century B. C. But no such person was alive on this mother earth. The author of this book is a black woman from Alexandria who lived around fifth century C. E. [2] From these arguments we can assure that the Greek were not the first one to begin the Science.Now let's consider the development of Science. If we consider the manipulated version of the science history, we get a wide blank span of time from the Greek civilization to the renaissance Europe. Where were the text and the sources of these scientific theorems and formulae? Were they 2 Origin of Science and the crusades I Mohamed Gammy Shifter_209110164 buried in the Mount Olympus? No. They were translated taken into custody by another civilization which have contributed to the many of the scientific development and not credited to it.Yes it was taken into the custody by Islamic Civilization. They hold these texts of Greek until the crusades [2]. The west claims that the Muslim merely translated the works of Greek and preserved it. They never did develop the ideas in the text. This argument is absurd. The Muslims practically ruled from the shore Atlantic Ocean to the boarders of China. And they Just preserved these texts which cost a fortune with the papyrus technology. Many books from Baghdad Library were destroyed by the invasion of Mongols over Jeremiah on 13th century C. E.But the contributions of All Bin Sins (Vicuà ±a) – whose â€Å"The Book of Healing† was text book for medicine in many medieval universities[3], Legalize Bin al Haitian, Jabber bin Hays, AAA Affair, Muhammad bin Carrying al Razz, Bin al-Naifs were inevitable in the scientific history. All bin Shall Arabian al-Tabor was an Islamic scholar, physician and psychologist of Zoroastrian descent, who produced one of the first encyclopedias of medicine. Even the number system we used today was introduced systems Let's have brief a look on the other civilizations which contributed to the science.Like the crest on the peacocks h ead, like the gem in the cobra's hood, so stands mathematics Oat the head of all the sciences. Vided literature of Indian Culture is replete with concepts of zero, the techniques of algebra and algorithm, square root and cube root. Arguably, the origins of Calculus lie in India 300 years before Leibniz and Newton. Algebraic theories was developed by Rapacity who lived in 5th century C. E. ND another mathematician Backbencher's was the first to was the first to conceive of differential calculus in 12th century. Most of us are familiar with Roman numerals.Think you are sitting in a class doing Calculus using Roman numerals. You are going to write 1788 in Roman numerals it will be ANTICLIMACTIC. You even can't think of doing calculus by using this number system. From this we can conclude that calculus was not developed or used in early Europe. Ancient Indian's development in chemistry was also in a higher level and used in a variety of practical activities. In any early civilization, m etallurgy has remained an activity central to all civilizations from the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, to all other civilizations that followed Indian achieved the higher level of metallurgy.By the side of Stub Minor in New Delhi, there is an iron pillar erected during Array Guppy period around 500 AD. This pillar is 7. 32 meters tall, and has a circumference of 40 CM in the bottom and 30 CM at the top. It has been standing in the open for last 1500 years, withstanding the wind, heat and weather, but still has not rusted, except minor natural erosion. This kind of rust proof iron (steel) was discovered very few decades fore by mixing carbon with iron [4]. 3 In addition, the Chinese Dynasty in the Far East was producing gunpowder, paper and establishing printing presses.Moreover, the Calendar system was introduced by Amman civilization that is very famous for predicting apocalypse of the earth. From the above arguments, one can conclude that science was not only originated from Greece and it originated universally. Then how did the story â€Å"Science was originated in Greece† came into play? Moreover, where was it originated? These questions can be answered in two simple words â€Å"Church† and â€Å"Power†. From the time hen the state and the church merge, Church initiated the program of distorting history to promote its power.This technology of falsehood was now applied to â€Å"manage† common perceptions[5]. During the crusades, church captured many text and tent to use them. But theological aspects would not allow them to use a Muslim knowledge. Therefore, they manipulated their people by saying that the knowledge Arab had was belonged to Greeks. Arabs Just preserved it. This story enabled the universities in Europe to use translated Arabic books without contradicting their theology. But on the Arabs side, it was a different story.They built Batty al Hickman (House of Wisdom) in Baghdad; they gathered knowledge from all over the world, including India, Persia and China. They certainly did not restrict themselves to Greek Arabs only had sources to Greeks. So all the knowledge which was acquired from Batty al Hickman in Baghdad became the Greeks, So did all the scientific inventions and discoveries. This theory is being promoted by many scholars of the present too. Here is an example from Lost in the Cosmos by Walker Percy â€Å". .As Whitehead pointed out, it is no coincidence that science sprang, not from Ionian metaphysics, not from theBrahmins-Buddhist-Taoist East, not from the Exceptionally astrological South, but from the heart of the Christian West, that although Galileo fell out with the Church, he would hardly have taken so much trouble studying Jupiter and dropping objects from towers if the reality and value and order of things had not first been conferred by belief in the Incarnation. † [6]. So anyone from any country has the right to say that their ancestors were also one of the pioneers o f the science. It is time stand up against the â€Å"West only theory'. The Europeans not only colonized our countries but also our education system.They left our countries long ago. Now it is time to decolonize our education system. And the way we think. 4 References [1]Dunn. Ancient Egyptian Science retrieved from http://www. Torturers. Net/ featureless/sciences . HTML [2] Raja, C. K. Euclid and Jesus. Multiversity. [3] http://www. Evangelicalism. Org/ [4] Science, Medicine, Technology in Ancient India retrieved from http:// www. Crystalline. Com/indecencies. HTML [5] Raja, C. K. Is science western in origin?. Multiversity. [6] Percy, W. Lost in the Cosmos retrieved from http://www. Columbia. Deed/cue/Augustine/a/science_origin. HTML 5

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Sexual Assaults in Organization Army - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 478 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Sexual Assault In The Military Essay Did you like this example? Sexual assault has declined in the last few years, however it is still a problem. Sexual Harassment, Assault, Prevention (SHARP) has been drilled into the soldier’s heads at least every year during mandatory briefings. SHARP is reiterated during every school or event, a soldier attends. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Sexual Assaults in Organization Army" essay for you Create order While this has brought our numbers down, I do not feel as though it will cut the sexual assault down to an acceptable level. We need to teach the soldiers to treat their fellow soldiers as their family not just the soldiers in their unit, but the soldiers in all branches of the military. The average person would not begin to fathom the idea of sexually assault, let alone sexually assaulting their sister or brother. Sexual assaults can be categorized into lack of discipline/misunderstanding. Lack of discipline; whether it be discipline in alcohol consumption, or in self-control. A lack of discipline shows poor character qualities. The other column would be misunderstanding. Misunderstandings are not as large of a grouping as the alcohol related incidents. The misunderstandings are not a misunderstanding of the laws and regulations, but misunderstanding the situation. This misunderstanding is a result of both parties involved not being properly informed of the entire situation. These would generally include the third party reporting. Where one party is joking and having fun, while the manner in which they are joking is offensive to others and they are showing poor judgment by not being aware of their surroundings, and the other party overhearing the conversation and becoming offended by the conversation. Current SHARP training expresses the importance of reporting. This reporting is necessary to get the victim the assistance they need to overcome the assault, as well as to ensure the predator is held accountable for the assault. Of course, this all is dependent on how the report is filed. Typically, if the assault is a restricted report there is no investigation on the incident therefore no action can be taken against the predator. When there is an unrestricted report there is an immediate investigation, where depending on the outcome the predator will be dealt consequences that are appropriate for the offense. We will end SHARP incidents by embracing the family concept. By truly embracing the â€Å"Brothers in Arms† concept holistically, the sexual assault numbers will deplete to a non-existent number. Like anything in the Army, change will take time. Soldiers are strong to resist change. However, when we consider our brothers and sisters in arms as true family, the pure thought of either assaulting them or allowing them to be assaulted will be enough to stop it. When a â€Å"family† member is hurt the other members of the family are hurt together. The true family concept will not just help end the SHARP incidents but will help strengthen the army as a whole. Together we are strong, independently we are weak.